Amazing Work!

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Last summer (July ish see original blog post here) while attending the “festival of arts” at the Mind and Matter Gallery, Patti came across the most amazing wood turner. His pieces were beautiful, inspiring, and unlike anything we had ever seen before. Ed Pretty is not only an amazing wood turner, and artist, he is an amazing person. We enjoy his visits throughly and want to order more pieces just so he comes in more often. There are also a few of us here that would like to be able to watch Ed work, or maybe have him teach a class??? Just a suggestion (Video Blog?). From the first moment Patti saw his work she knew she wanted to have at least one of Ed’s pieces in her new home, and that has now become a reality. The pieces are AMAZING! to say the least.

This is the burl, and the three rough cut blanks that were used for the pieces.

And the final pieces entitled “Debutante”

If you would like to see more of Ed’s work visit his gallery, or you can stop by Fluff to see some of the pieces in person (the photos just don’t do these pieces justice). Also take a look at Ed’s blog for information on his process.

Have your say


  1. kristen says:

    amazing work.
    they are so beautiful Patti!

  2. Chris says:

    Amazing! Eds pieces are always beautiful…

  3. […] a commissioned piece and the other “is not leaving the house” as his wife says. Click here for a previous post of Ed’s work also visit his site to peruse his amazing […]

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