Quick and Easy Fireplace Upgrade

< inspo home

This has got to be by far the most impactful change around the home and perfect if you are on a budget. With a little bit of paint you can take your fireplace to another level. It can really change the whole atmosphere in the room.

One of our most popular pins on Pinterest is a 20 Minute Fireplace Transformation. If you didn’t catch our first fireplace upgrade, check it out here!

Here is the BEFORE photo of our most recent fireplace transformation for the Drayton house renovation:

Quick and Easy Fireplace Tranformation

And here is the fireplace after our transformation:

Quick and Easy Fireplace TranformationYou can see that with simple black paint, the room already looks more finished. After the rest of the room was cleaned up, the room looked amazing!

Drayton Renovation

Click here to see all of the after photos on the house renovation. Do you have any favourite tips for upgrading the home?

Patti Houston, owner of Flüff Design & Decor ~ Patti Houston, owner of Flüff Design & Decor

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