It’s an interesting question being asked by a group of Vancouver’s finest emerging print artists who are hosting a Free Print Show this Friday, March 11th at the Little Mountain Gallery located at 195 East 26th Ave. The Free Print Show is a one-night show, where every print in the gallery is free to attendees. The show is just as much about the art as it is about the human reaction to ‘FREE’. 15 local print artists ranging from students to established individuals in the art community have produced over 150 prints to cover every inch of the gallery’s wall space. The doors open at 7pm guest are welcome to view the art , in order to allow the maximum amount of people to view each piece, guest will not be able to ‘take’ the art until exactly 8:30pm. Here is where the question of value comes into play… Will people reach out for that special piece that speaks to them? Will they reach out at all? Or will they hoard?
If Art is acquired freely does it hold any value… Or is the fundamental quality of a piece of art alone the signifier of value? We would love to hear your thoughts…
should be an interesting show…can’t wait!