Quick carpet fix

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One of the things that you learn while staging homes is some quick fixes for common problems. One of the things we come across is carpet dents, those little divots left behind by furniture legs, an easy fix for this is to place an ice-cube in the divots, let it melt on its own, and gently lift the carpet fibers with a spoon (or a coin in a pinch).

For larger marks you can line up the ice cubes in the indentation.

Have your say


  1. Mary Kandell says:

    This is one I’ll have to see to believe. Who knew?

  2. Missy Stovall says:

    Another fix for this very issue is to place a damp cloth on the spot and iron over it with an clothes iron. No need for fluffing with the spoon 🙂 This also works like a charm!

  3. Thank Missy Stovall, we will definitely try this trick and take some before and after images!

  4. Mandy s says:

    Missy is right!my husband about had a fit when I told him this. He installs flooring and said letting a cube melt will delaminate the carpet ant ruin it. He told me the right way is what Missy said. Just make sure the towline is white!

  5. Joyce DiLonardo says:

    I can see your point Mandy. Not to mention, wouldn’t it build up mold eventually?

  6. Lesley Cole says:

    I did try the ironing on the damp cloth to lift up our furniture marks and it worked! I was amazed!

  7. Karen says:

    The proper name for these marks is Furnidents.

  8. […] One of the things that you learn while staging homes is some quick fixes for common problems. Click here to read more about this DIY ice cube trick. […]

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