Celina Dalrymple’s Show and Tell at Fluff

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For the September Breakfast Meeting, we have the honor to have Celina Dalrymple and Julia Graydon from Fabulous Furnishings to come in and share their knowledge to a group of stagers. We had a lot of fun and Celina shared a little sercet of hers; Calculating drapery yardages! Follow the instructions and you will have a good idea on how many yards you need to purchase.

  1. How many drops required = Width of windows x 2.5 (or 2.0 for ripple fold drapes) = _____ / (divided by) 52″
  2. How many yards required = height of windows + 12″ = _____ x # of drops = _____ / (divided by) 36″

With this calculation, billing and estimating will be a breeze. Once again, Celina Dalrymple and Julia Graydon, thank you very much for coming. We hope you enjoy the meeting and we look forward to seeing you soon.

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