The Free Print Show is Happening!

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The Free Print Show is the second collaborative exhibition of contemporary emerging and established print artists from Vancouver. For one night only and within a three hour span of time, attendees get to claim their favourite piece of original art for free! This event will be hosted at The Little Mountain Gallery on September 17th 2011. There is a view of the March 11, 2011 Free Print Show. Please click this link to view it. The address of The Little Mountain Gallery is at 195 East 26th Avenue, Vancouver BC. This is sure to be another night of fun.

Have your say


  1. Jennie says:

    I can’t wait! The last one was so much fun, and I’m sure this one will be aswell…

  2. kristen says:

    check out the events page on Facebook to RSVP and get all the updated information!!/event.php?eid=152530434835067

you're signed up! Exciting content is on the way.