Light Control!

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Do you sometimes wish you could control everything in life? I know I do. Weather, traffic, spending (argh!) and much more. Thanks to technology, many of my problems have been solved. PVR (Personal Video Recorder) lets us record shows we want to watch, at the time we want to watch it. Universal Remotes help us make our living room look clean and not cluttered. Now, New Jersey artist Joshua Kirsch gives us control of light! His most recent interactive sculpture is Concentricity 96, which was on display at the Grand Rapids Art Prize earlier this month.

This device looks like it’s from the future because of its raw metal appearance. Viewers can control the light by moving a glowing white handle in any direction. Based on the location of the handle, the array of 96 red/white LED lights will give out different light coordinations. Joshua estimated he spent nearly 800 hours on this piece working on almost all of the aluminum and steel components by hand over the past four years. Below is a video showing how the sculpture works.

Kirsch has created other interactive artworks in the past. His work includes Sympathetic Resonance, oculus and his acp donor wheel. Art museums generally don’t allow visitors to touch and interact with the exhibitions, but Joshua’s work is the complete opposite. They can only be experienced fully through physical manipulation. His work is truly amazing and innovative. It’s a combination of science and art. A mixture of both worlds. Speaking of science, this sculpture reminds me of the Marvel Comic superhero, Iron Man. Don’t you think?

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