December's Inspiration Tuesday Contest

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It’s contest time again! December’s Inspiration Tuesday Contest! Are you ready to win? For the month of December, the prize is a $50 Gift Card from Home Outfitters. Vote and win! You can earn up to 3 extra votes by simply liking, following and sharing. For contest details, please scroll down to the bottom of this post. Here are the finalists for this month’s Inspiration Tuesdays Contest.

From Hazel:

“My love for stop motion animation began when I was studying in art and design school, for part-time work during this time I worked in a photography shop.  My love for photography and filming often influenced and inspired me within my college projects.  I loved this animation as soon as I saw it, I loved the link to childhood toys, classic games.  I especially like the bit when the dice are melting and the numbers on the face decrease in value, I also really like the post-it note butter.    There is a whole series PEZ stop motion animation films, all of them are really impressive.”

From Mitchel:

“With Christmas right around the corner it was hard not to be inspired by this beautiful work of art. This tree is the world’s largest glass tree and was designed by the group of world famous Venetian glass blowers from the island of Murano. It’s design, created by Simone Cenedese, is a modern interpretation of the traditional colours and symbols of the holiday season. At a height of 7.5 meters, it weighs in at a mere 3 tonnes. Not exactly the type of tree my parents used to strap to the roof of our station wagon. Wishing us all a little Murano glass on our tree this year…”

From Shane:

“A couple weeks ago, I discovered Fred Herzog, an amazing and under recognized colour photographer.As soon as I googled him and saw a few of his vintage photos, I knew I needed to see more. I ran out and bought his book and have been blown away by the textures and vivid colours that he captured through out his life. What’s most inspiring is that Herzog is primarily a Vancouver artist that captured some of the only professional photos of everyday life in 20th century Vancouver. His images are thoughtful, educational and truly, inspirational.”

Contest Details:

Fluffians Inspiration Tuesdays will happen on the first Tuesday of the month. Three inspiration pieces will be uploaded to the blog and voters can comment on the piece that inspires them the most. Voters will have 2 weeks (14 days) to vote. Voters with multiple votes will be disqualified. Voters can earn up to 3 extra entries by doing the followings:

  • 1 extra entry for liking our Fabulous Facebook Page,
  • 1 extra entry for following our Twitter Page,
  • 1 extra entry for sharing the Inspiration Tuesdays blog post to your friends.

Prizes will be different each month and will be disclosed along with each month’s contest post. Winners will be contacted via email. Contestants must be Canadian residents and winners must provide a valid Canadian mailing address in order to obtain prizes. Winners will be randomly picked among the voters of the winning inspiration piece. The odds of winning depend on the number of voters.

Have your say


  1. I choose Shane’s inspiration image.

  2. Tanya says:

    I choose the one by Mitchel

  3. Carmen Ali says:

    I love the stop motion animation that Hazel chose. What a brilliant piece!

  4. […] is the last contest of the year. Act fast! There is only one day left to win. Vote and win here! Share this with your friends:FacebookTwitterEmailMoreStumbleUponPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to […]

  5. I vote for Shane’s inspiration 😉

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