The Style Spy’s Girl of the Week and Taliesin

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Today’s blog post comes from Tiffany, one of our flüffians that was featured last week as’s Girl of the Week. She recently visited family in Arizona and had an opportunity to check out Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West:

Scottsdale Arizona, home of the desert, sunshine, cacti, beautiful old cowboy towns, and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West. The highlight of my trip was definitely visiting the historic architect’s retreat. Taliesin means “radiant brow” in Welsh. Mr. Wright named his masterpiece this because one of his focuses as an architect was integrating his creations into their surroundings. Since he didn’t want to compete with the desert landscape by placing his home on the top of the hill, he opted for the “brow” of the mountain. Another feature I found fascinating was Wright’s “compress and release” rooms, where you enter every room through a small and compressed space and then are released into a large open room.

The property is filled with sculptures, gardens, ponds and Wright’s innovatively designed furniture. It was absolutely incredible and I would definitely recommend it as a must see!  

Check out this link for more details.   

~Tiffany Blaise, Designer



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