All Over Texture

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Fall is in the air and it’s time for woolly scarves, sweaters and boots.  I’ve been busy switching my closet from summer to winter attire and it gave me cause to ponder how many things influence all of our our design aesthetics at Flüff.  Whether it’s the time of year, colour we have seen or texture noticed in random locations, I began to see the variety of inspirations in our creative endeavors.


We’ve been re-working the showroom for the season, sourcing fabrics and accessories and Sophie is busy making pillows and throws.   I didn’t realize until I looked at my East Coast holiday pictures how much the colours and textures of that location had impacted the fabric choices that Sophie is working with.  


The Fluffians have been requesting distressed wood, hammered metals and lots of texture.  Sourcing for this season has been more than exciting.  Everyone’s input has been so helpful and I’m loving watching it all come together. 


What are your design influences for Fall 2013?  We love hearing what you are excited about. 


Patti Houston owner of Flüff Design & Decor




~ Patti, owner of Flüff Design & Decor

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