Trends In Tiles for 2014 – March Breakfast Meeting at Fluff

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Trends in Tiles 2014 - Fluff Designs

Each month, we invite our stagers and designers to attend a free breakfast meeting at Flüff. Studio Flüff is usually a full house and it’s great to see so many people excited to come to create community in the home staging and interior design industry.

At our breakfast meetings, we invite a presenter from a local business to come and talk about any topic that is related to the industry. Topics range from photographing interiors to the latest trends to having a round table discussion about concerns our designers have about their businesses.

The presentations last about an hour and it gives them an opportunity to learn and also to network with other home stagers. We love the energy that is created when these meetings happen.

This month’s topic was Trends in Tiles presented by Curt and Nancy from Ames Tile & Stone in Burnaby. They shared tile samples, discussed current trends in tiles and talked about the influence the Europeans have had on tile designs.

The top 7 tile trends we noticed were: 

  1. Overall tile sizes are a lot larger than previous trends.
  2. Elongated hexagon shapes are also large and make for interesting patterns.
  3. Gloss and matte beveled glazed wall tiles (the design was influenced from chocolate bars).
  4. Varying shades of grey are predominant. Some tiles are not even stocked in colours other than grey.
  5. Natural, organic, matte finishes are very popular.
  6. Wavy and patterned textures are popular and look beautiful, especially as wall tiles.
  7. Metal finishes are also very popular.

Visit Ames Tile & Stone’s website to see the latest information about their products or stop by their showroom to see more samples.

What trends in tiles have you been noticing so far this year?

Trends In Tiles 2014 - March Breakfast Meeting at Flüff Designs
View all of the photos from the March Breakfast Meeting on our Facebook page.
And don’t forget to register for Ames Artistic Night. A night of networking, education and a unique specialty products launch. Tuesday, April 15 from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm located at 2229 Beta Avenue, Burnaby. They have fresh new lines from Italy and of course good food!
RSVP by April 8th to or call Tiffany at 604-320-6528. Visit their website for more product information:

~ The Flüffians


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  1. On behalf of Curt, Nancy and the Ames Team – thank you for having us! We had a blast and we hope everyone had some great takeaways. We look forward to see you in our showroom and at Ames Artistic Night!

  2. Curt A. higha says:

    Patti and all the Fluffians, it was a pleasure to be a presenter at your March breakfast and learn. Thank you for the opportunity to do this. Your client base is so great to work with and kept me on my toes with great questions and interaction.

  3. Erica Houston says:

    We were so pleased to have you present! Thanks again.

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