This week’s Transformation Tuesday is dedicated to a home we recently staged in West Vancouver. Tucked away off Marine Drive, it had the most gorgeous view. It was on a beautiful lot and had great interior finishes.
Permanent wallpaper decal
The owners had installed a wall decal for their son’s outer space themed bedroom. This was a design challenge because we had to work with a theme while maintaining our contemporary look.We brought in some darker colours and brushed nickel accessories to add in a masculine element.
Green Tiled Bathroom
The bathroom had been tiled with an apple green colour. When working with existing colours in a small enclosed space like a bathroom, one has to think about not bringing an overwhelming amount of colour in with the use of accessories. We had to also consider the colours used throughout the home to match with the green.
View the photos from this project here:
We had fun staging this property. How great are the views in this neighbourhood!
~ Jordan, designer & textiles
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