Saint James Music Academy Performs at Fluff

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In November, we hosted our annual Fluff Christmas party at the warehouse. Each year we have a silent auction to raise money for a charity. This year, the proceeds from our silent auction were donated to the Saint James Music Academy.
Saint James Music Academy
The SJMA teaches music to underprivileged children. The program offers children voice and instrument lessons. More importantly, the program builds the children’s self esteem and gives them a sense of belonging. We were fortunate to have some of the SJMA children join us for a performance during the Fluff Christmas party. The children performed beautifully! Click below for a video of the performance.Saint James Music Academy Performs at Fluff

In total, we raised over $2500 for the Academy. We presented the cheque at their Junior Christmas Concert last week. Parents and community members were thrilled to watch the live performances by these talented and enthusiastic children.

Kathy, the founder of the program, was an absolute pleasure to work with and we love the program she has built. The SJMA is having another performance on January 8, 2015, at the Vogue Theatre. For more information and tickets visit:

Sing it Forward

Erica, Marketing~ Erica, marketing

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