Weekend Art Project

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This month we’ve been focusing on art here at Fluff; selling, buying, and creating art of our own! We found a great DIY project online for revamping old pieces of art. It’s quick and requires limited supplies – the perfect weekend art project. Here’s how to create your new art in 4 easy steps:

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • An old piece of art (you can find great old pieces from second hand stores)
  • sponge roller or foam brushes
  • paint (you only need a small amount, a small paint sample is more than enough)
  • stick on letters (we found Helvetica font ones from Staples)

How to create your new art:

1. Find a short quoteQuote inspoPinterest is great for inspiration!

2. Place letters onto the canvasFluffDesigns-DIYart (1 of 7)

3. Paint over canvas FluffDesigns-DIYart (2 of 7)

4. Once the paint is completely dry, feel off sticker lettersFluffDesigns-DIYart (3 of 7)

Your new art piece is complete!

There’s endless possibilities for this DIY. You could paint over the canvas with a single colour, or perhaps cover it with printed wallpaper, then place the stickers on and paint over with another colour. Maybe even do 3 pieces to create a new series! Here’s what some of the Fluffian’s did for our art pieces:

FluffDesigns-DIYart (1 of 1)

We loved the process of creating this art, we hope to see some of your creations too!

Jordan Feature~ Jordan, Textiles & Marketing

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