Indigo in the Home

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We love the look of indigo in the home. It’s a beautiful dying technique that provides a cobalt blue finish. Here’s our favourite ways to incorporate indigo in interiors.indigo1We love the look of the bedding on the left. It looks cozy, yet modern! The white walls add a ton of brightness to the dark linens. We especially love the idea of grouping art above the bed instead of using a headboard. Of course indigo lends itself to tie-dye designs amazingly. The stark white and blue looks so dramatic, but has a boho, relaxed style as well!indigo2We LOVE indigo blue dishes. Often times you see this colour in handcrafted ceramics. The geometric pattern on the left and the striations on the right are so interesting and unique looking. These aren’t your classic china dishes!indigo3Indigo is most commonly seen in textiles as natural fabrics take this colour easily and hold the pigment well. The idea of pairing different patterned pillows together, all indigo dyed, creates a cohesive yet interesting space.

Try indigo in your home! Mix it with mid-tone walnuts, cream, and grey!

Jordan Feature // Jordan – Marketing & Media, Bandit Pillows

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