What to do when you become an Empty Nester

< inspo home

It’s official, our youngest offspring has moved out and we have empty space. It has me wondering about what to do when you become an empty nester. Here’s what I think!

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We renovated our 1950’s rancher home and converted the basement to a suite. We also intended to rent the space out once our youngest moved out. Although, we planned to rent it quite differently! With the rise in AirBnb, and having experienced using it ourselves, we decided this was our best option. We have had a blast meeting people through our travels, and can’t wait to have people in our space.
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The bare bones of the bathroom. Considering it’s in a basement, this area is bright and inviting. We think some colourful art would look great in here!
 I’m most excited about the bedroom. We have this great storage bed that fits this space perfectly. We also have these two marble side tables. They’ve been in the family for ages, but are so on-trend again! A pop of colour is just what this bedding needs.
We’ve started decorating the space and are so happy with it. We can’t wait to reveal the final space with you! Would you rent our new AirBnb space?
  // Patti – Owner, Fluff Designs

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