Every New Years, we set goals and (try) to achieve them. We’re showing you how to set goals that you’ll actually stick to. Read more below:
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- try these apps to set goals
- use journals and goal-trackers from great stores like Kikki.K
- Trello is a great online list-maker that would work for goals
- Specific; be clear with your intentions. If you can’t remember why you set the goal, it may not be worth trying.
- Measurable; quantifiable goals with timelines are more likely to be completed
- Achievable; as much as we dream of working out 7 days a week, spending hours each day working creatively, it’s may not work for your lifestyle
- Realistic; set goals you are willing and able to work for
- Timely; set specific timelines to follow. If there’s no start and end date, how will you know if you achieved your goal?
- join meet-up groups
- tell people your goals so they can hold you accountable. It’s important to tell close friends goals, but if you tell a broad audience these goals, you may be soaking in that satisfaction rather than getting it from completing your goals.
- have a network of like-minded people (ie. if you wan’t to run more, join a running club)
- if you’ve set your goals and achieved them, be sure to reward yourself for your efforts.
- if you’ve made a goal to eat healthier and exercise more, treat yourself to a dinner with a group of friends
- if you’ve aimed to save more money and follow budgets, sometimes a day or weekend trip is within the budget!
With these simple tools, you can now set goals and achieve them. What are some of your goals for this year?
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