Halloween at Flüff

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This year the Flüffians got into the Halloween spirit in a major way. We used our collective decorating talents to stage 4 spooky scenes in our showroom and it was hilarious. Let us know which one you think is the scariest, we can’t decide!

Team Cole – “Sleep Tight”

Marlon, Cole, Licia, Sam and Atom took the bedroom and came up with your worst nightmare! This bedroom is the stuff bad dreams are made of, and we love it.

halloween scene at Fluff Designs

Team Jess – “Crime Scene”

Mitchell, Grace, Francesca, and Karolina investigated a missing person case at Flüff.  A living room disaster and one big mess to tidy up, this crime scene leaves all the clues… with style points.

Team Mack – “Headless Grandma”

Mack, Joanne, Sarah, Abby, Meadhbh, and Lindsay created a nursery horror scene with all the creepy touches. Red decor and a headless granny make this a kids room to remember.

Warning – Graphic Images below!!

Halloween doctors lab at Fluff Designs

Team Ben – “The Birthing Suite”

Dr.Ben and his team of spooky nurses Caitlin, Eliane, Jordan and Paula created this delivery room nightmare. It looks like the pumpkin fairy has an accomplice for next years trick or treating!

Spooky, scary and a bit disturbing describes last nights fun and games. Remember to stay safe and Happy Halloween!!

~The Spooky Flüffians

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